Another year has finished, I can hear a lot of you questioning 'where did the time go'? Along with the fireworks, the parties and the cold weather, now is a prime time to seriously contemplate what , if any, New Year's resolutions you are going to start up. Many of us think about resolutions which directly influence us, such as cutting down on fatty products, exercise and healthy living. But we should not ignore our house though. Why not consider a few of property related New Year's resolutions as well?
To get you to think about it, I have listed some suggestions for resolutions which you may like to try:
We have all heard and seen facts about becoming more ecologically friendly, this would be a good time to put that information into action. Try not to be too wasteful and begin, for instance, recycling and splitting up trash! It is very simple, you will help the environment and it will definitely feel good to know you are doing something for our planet.
CO2 Monoxide detectors and fire alarms are exceedingly important in every walk of life, including our houses. If you don't have a fire warning alarm or a Co2 detector, you should install them. For those of you who have these fire and CO2 alarms put up, you need to make sure they are working and the batteries do not need changing. Don't ignore this; it may save your life someday!
What do you wish you could to do in your home? Make a decision about what you want to decorate or refurbish in your property and write them down, so you have a list of work to be done. You can then buy everything you need when it's on sale/the least expensive and save a lot of cash. Just think how much of your hard earned money you could save by purchasing items at sale prices. If you make plans, you have time to look around and choose the best way forward.
When purchasing an appliance for your property think about what you require, the price you want to spend before researching thoroughly your options; avoid buying the first one you come across. A few appliances, even if more expensive, might save you a lot of energy; try to think your purchase though!
Think about energy saving ideas you can implement. We have already looked at the way domestic goods in the home can save you cash, there are other ways too. Turning the heating down by 1 degree, turning off lighting, closing curtains on an evening to retain heat, insulate your boiler and unplugging electrical appliances when not in use, are just a few ideas for you to think about.
'Your property is your castle'; take care of it! As with any property repairs are commonplace, so do not keep putting it off. To keep your property in decent shape and avoid massive repair bills, make sure any repairs or redecoration is completed regularly.
As Toronto realtor, I know resolutions bounded to home are difficult. Look at your lifestyle think about what you have time to finish and what cash is available to you. Don't keep putting off your to-do list, if you want to paint the outside of the house, then do it; after all it is your property. Just pluck up the courage and complete the work! Do what makes you feel cheerful and revamps the property you live in.

picture by dgthekneelo